Monday, November 10, 2008

New Macro

A macro is an action basically.
Sick of merging a cell, aligning it to top, left, and then turning on word wrap in Excel (2003)? Me too, let's make a macro for it.

  1. Fire up Excel
  2. Tools > Macro > Record New Macro
  3. Title it: MergeWrap, Store in: Personal Macro Workbook, Hit OKey Dokey (a little macro box will pop up that is now recording whatever you do!)
  4. Highlight a few a block of cells (a 2x2 block will do)
  5. Right click > Format Cells...
  6. Alignment Tab 
  7. Horizontal: Left (indent), Vertical: Top, then check the boxes for Wrap Text and Merge Cells
  8. Hit Okey Dokey
  9. The little macro window that is in the center of your screen has a stop button (square...) press it.
  10. Right click on your toolbar (the thing at the top with all the buttons ,P) and go to Customize...
  11. Make sure you are in the Commands tab then scroll down to Macros in the Categories pane (left side).
  12. Drag and drop "Custom menu item" onto the toolbar, where you would like our merge-wordwrap icon to go
  13. Do Not OK Out of the window yet!
  14. Right click on your newly created icon, at the bottom you will see "Assign Macro..." click it
  15. Select MergeWrap and hit OK
  16. Right click on our icon and click on edit button image. Now you get to draw in an image you like, I went with one long line across the top and a small downward arrow and a few short lines at the bottom. Note: I only used black, the rest is automatically transparent. Hit ok when you are done.
  17. Right click on our icon, Change the name to "Merge Wrap"
  18. Right click on our icon, click on Text Only (in Menus)
  19. Celbrate good times, come on!

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