Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Correcting Shadows

When "normal" or "Extra" Visual Effects are turned on, the shadow from the top toolbar is over windows.

To check this, right click on the desktop and go to Change Desktop Background. From here click on the last tab "Visual Effects"
Normal or Extra will probably be ticked, if not you should tick it Normal as it makes things a bit easier on the eyes.

To fix it:
System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager
(If this is not visible it may either be hidden or not installed.)

In Compiz Config Settings Manager scroll down to Window Decoration (Under Effects)
Click on Window Decoration
Then copy and paste the following:
(any) & ! (class=Gnomre-panel)
into the "Shadaow windows" text entry box.

Ta DA, Windows are now a bit more legible.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A theme wizard for ubuntu on 1st time boot?

Sick of the poo colored theme? If you like the idea of a wizard that boots your first time and helps you choose a color theme you like, vote for it!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Tips, Trick, and Hot Keys

Highlighting automatically copies the contents to the clipboard
Clicking the left and right mouse buttons together pastes
alt+F2 opens the "run" window

Ctrl+L - Jumps to the address bar
Ctrl+K - Jumps to the search bar
alt+Enter - Opens in a new tab
Left and right mouse buttons together on a tab closes the tab